Out just in time for Christmas, The Rogue Poets of Merrickville have published an illustrated poetry book intended to be read to children and read by children.

Called ‘Puppies and Fireflies and Scary Things Too’, it is a book to be enjoyed by the young and the young at heart.  A year in the making, the book is an anthology of poems by five Merrickville poets with illustrations contributed by artists from Bridgewater, Nova Scotia to Toronto, Ontario.  Printed at COBA Studios in Merrickville, this is the third book of poems published by the Rogues.

The Rogue poets – Chuck MacInnis, Charles Merredew, Keith Stanton, John Mundy, and Elena Venables – meet regularly throughout the year to read, write, and critique each other’s work.  In addition to producing their own books, they have had poems published in magazines and other anthologies, and have won or received honourable mention in several poetry contests.

They try to work towards a book project by publishing a small anthology at the end of each year.

This year they decided to write poetry specifically for children.  In doing so, they engaged with children and the parents of children to capture the style, then invited the artist community to collaborate on this project by providing illustrations. They have also added three blank pages near the back of the book with an invitation for readers to write their own poems. The result is a beautifully illustrated, child focused book of poetry.

At a cost of $15.00 wholesale, the book can be purchased from any member of The Rogue Poets or by email at roguepoetsofmerrickville@gmail.com.  It can be purchased for the retail price of $18.00 at the Book Emporium in Merrickville.