Photo Album
Canal Pursuit 2018
24 August 2018 – Merriclkville-Wolford Councillor Chuck MacInnis welcoming Canal Pursuit for Mental Health relay runners Clay Williams (blue shirt), Bob Joynt (Smiths Falls) and Lori Bates (Franktown) when they arrived in Merrickville Friday, 24 August.
Ball Team
11 June 2018 – Seaway Surge Baseball Club receives donation from Run Merrickville at the baseball diamond in Merrickville.
Run Merrickville Medal
Run Merrickville helped celebrate the 225th anniversary of the founding of Merrickville with their 2018 participant medal during the April 28 Run.
Canada Day 2017
In the above photo, Mayor David Nash brings Canada Day greetings to residents at Hilltop Manor in Merrickville prior to the annual Canada Day parade. The rainy weather did not stop the parade, the spectators or the festivities. Canada Day activities ended with a fireworks display at 10 p.m.
Trails Society 2017
In keeping with their mandate to support healthy living the Run Merrickville Executive donate to the Merrickville and District Trails Society Storybook Trail Project.
Playground 2017`
Run Merrickville executive donate to the Merrickville Public School playground equipment project.
50th Anniversary
01 October 2016 – Mayor David Nash and principal Tanya Preston plant a maple tree on the grounds of Merrickville Public School in honour of the school’s 50th anniversary.
Canal Pursuit 2016
Andrew Moizer, Sally MacInnis and Susan Moizer join Clay Williams as they prepare to leave Merrickville Locks on his run for mental health!
Paramedic Ride 2016
Lori Urquhart and Jane Patterson-Currie taking a break in Merrickville on their ride from Toronto to Ottawa.
Canada Day 2016
Sally MacInnis receiving a Certificate of Appreciation for her Infection Control work in Cameroon.
2016 Pitch In Campaign
Councillor MacInnis with the Environment Advisory Committee Pitch-In team after cleaning Cork Town Road.